Mini Size! For this very special pumpkin pie I go the extra mile and roast locally grown squash (organic Georgia Candy Roasters from 9N farm). This way I get to support our local farmers and make a pie that is far more silky smooth and delicious than a pie made with canned pumpkin could hope to be. I add some organic brown sugar, Snowville Creamery cream, Harrison Farm or Truest Farm eggs, and my own special blend of fair trade spices to make a delicate yet rich pumpkin custard. Customers wait all year for this one! Store at room temperature for two days, then store in the fridge. Best if eaten within two days of purchasing. Pies are 10 inches and serve 8 generous slices.
Thanksgiving pickup: Wednesday 11/22 4-6pm
Bexley Natural Market 508 N Cassady Ave, Bexley OH 43209
MINI Pumpkin Pie Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving pickup: Wednesday 11/22 4-6pm
Bexley Natural Market 508 N Cassady Ave, Bexley OH 43209